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Isabella O'LUmkA

Free Swim founded by Editor-in-Chief Cortney Connolly is an NYU Tisch interdisciplinary academic journal that focuses on questioning, researching, and dissecting artistic phenomena through submissions of creative work (film, photography, digital art) as well as critical essays and features, culminating in a final exhibition. In the first edition, Free Swim 01: The PostModern Grotesque, we explore how the application of disgust is taught and performed. The exhibition- a multi-sensory experience, aims to pinpoint how the application of disgust invalidates and strips autonomy from a human being. I Isabella am an alien from outerspace, I was not created and then brought to adulthood through the phases of childhood, I just exist. I have no family beyond the one that I choose to involve. Sometimes my family is my collection of sick beats or my grocery haul. Both make me feel centered and apart of the universe. I have no family but I also have so many siblings and parents and cousins and relatives. In my formal world I am just an energy that bounces around penetrating all that finally understand what I am made of. Fibers of fame and iconhood. I have no end and no beginning, I just move about.

The first definition for family that I found involved parents and a child unit. The second definition had to do with sharing a common ancestor. However, it seems like the idea of family is less based on genetics, but more of a central notion of linking and catagorizing. From my research I am most interested on what it means to choose a family. What does that mean when there is something larger than parents but a feeling of connectivity. Do we all NEED to have the same creator?

by Cortney Connolly 4 OOS. 4 more LUmkA!